Bob Stewart Series:

Have you ever had that feeling that someone from the spirit world was hanging around trying to protect you. So has Bob Stewart.

“The Friday Night Poker Club – (Book 1 of the Bob Stewart Series)”

41xZv8da9-L._UY250_ Bob Stewart Series:

Four regular guys are trying to do the right thing because they have no choice. They’re not born heroes. In this action thriller Conley takes you to a special world; the world of in between. Because love can be so strong that death can’t take it away, there are times when it stays so close you can feel it; like a hot breath of air or a cool breeze in an elevator.

“The Friday Night Dance Club – (Book 2 of the Bob Stewart Series)”

41iIlEqh4AL._UY250_ Bob Stewart Series:

In a world of super money, bodyguards and living in luxury, doesn’t mean you can’t be shy and have a heart of gold. Two such people meet in sixth grade and don’t say hello until their senior year in high school. Once that hurdle is behind them life becomes real, instead of just daydreams.
Conley takes you on their action adventure romp from mid America to Guatemala to parts unknown as soon as the baton is handed off to them from Bob Stewart of “The Friday Night Poker Club”.

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